Monday, July 27, 2009

A Missions Trip to remember.

Oh man, where to begin?

Missions trip was AH-MAZING. I didn't want to leave! Montana is gorgeous, and for those of you that know me, I am a nature freak so the setting was perfect for me. I loved all of the kids, even Jesse who was so annoying he insisted on biting me. Yes you read that right. I have pretty good patience when it comes to kids, but that boy certainly knew how to stretch it.

I have to admit I was a tad worried when we found out Lindsay and I were in the same group again, because I love her to death and would have had a miserable trip if we had fought. But I put my fears aside, and actually it worked quite well! Lindsay was an amazing puppeteer when I taught, and helped curb my fears of teaching the lesson. I owe so much to her! : )

Half way through the week, two sisters joined from down the street who had just moved from Oregon! They were both very well behaved and were the sweetest things since chocolate. Sharlene seemed to like me better, but I admit I liked Shaylynn better. She was quiet, and I prefer the quiet ones better. They were both tons of fun though.

Since this is the last youth group trip for the seniors, a lot of tears were shed on the trip home. I was actually sobbing into my sweatshirt. I'm really gonna miss all the great people in the youth group. : (

I really love playing matchmaker. : )

Leanne and I went to Art in the Park yesterday. Although it was hot and most of the booths were lame, it was nice hanging out with her. Then I had a lame 4-H meeting, but I got out early because of evening service. Which happened to be pretty pointless because SOMEONE was being extremely embarrassing! lol

Today I'm hoping to go to the church to help clean out the vans (and see Lindsay!) and then there's Truth Project tonight. I love hanging out with my friends! : )


  1. aww, well matchmaker is good. :) i'm glad you enjoyed the trip so much, and that we were able to work together! Loves!

  2. I totally agree! That trip was one of THE BEST ever!!!

    And I have no clue WHO you're talking about when you say that SOMEONE was being embarassing ;)

    Love you lots!



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