Thursday, December 31, 2015

One Word for 2016

Hello friends! Can you believe 2016 is finally here? Where did this year go?! In preparing for the new year, I sat down to really think about how I wanted my blog to move forward into the new year. I had a lot of ideas, but not a lot of concrete goals. I decided I needed to focus on one central theme in 2016.

One Word for 2016 | Keys to My Life

I chose one word to focus all blog related decisions and involvements. I considered many words, but I finally settled on one that made me feel good about myself, and the direction my blog would take.

I chose quality.

While I don't feel like my posts these past few months have been lacking in quality, I don't think that they have been the best quality I can put out. That isn't fair to me and what I'm capable of, and that isn't fair to you, my readers.

I also don't think my blog layout is of the best quality it can be either. You may have already noticed the redesign in the post photo, and that's a hint of things to come. I am planning on redesigning my header and logo, and making my blog layout a better picture of who I am as a person, a writer, and a blogger.

Quality is what you should think of when you visit my blog. I don't think any reader would come to my blog right now and think of Keys to My Life as a quality blog. That's painful to admit, but it's honest. I'm needing this honesty to help fuel me and propel me into 2016 and the greater goals I'm setting for myself and this blog.

So where does that leave you, my readers? I hope it leaves you wanting more. I hope it leaves you excited and eager for the changes coming to the blog. And I hope it leaves you wanting to give me honest feedback if you don't see quality in the future. I deserve honesty, to be the best blogger I can be.

Quality is more than just a word. It's a focus, a word that leads Keys to My Life towards the goals I've set for 2016.

What do you think of the word I've chosen? Do you like this idea? Have you chosen a focus word for yourself in 2016?