Monday, January 18, 2016

DCP Series Part 3: How to Prepare for the WBI and Phone Interview

Hi friends! We're back with this week's Disney College Program video. For this week we are helping your prepare for the web-based interview and the phone interview with some tips and tricks to be ready for anything!

DCP Series Part 3: How to Prepare for the WBI and Phone Interview | Keys to My Life

In this installment, I cover the best ways to conquer and pass the web-based interview, while Nick covers the basics of the phone interview. I wrap it up by adding some specifics to be ready for in the phone interview! Taking three phone interviews has made me a bit of a pro by now! (Just kidding.)

For those who are looking to apply for the Fall 2016 application season, applications went live almost an entire month early, and are up on the site! Check for more info.

As an added side note, you may have noticed I added a custom thumbnail this time! I am going to go back and edit all my previous videos with thumbnails, as well as start editing past blog post photos. I would love opinions on the current layouts for both!

Are you applying for the Disney College Program? Do you have any other advice you would add?