Friday, January 8, 2016

January Goals

Hi everyone! This month is becoming one crazy month. I'm keeping up on my posting schedule, getting ready to move to Florida, and planning more blog post series for you guys! Are you ready for some exciting content?

January Goals | Keys to My Life

December Re-Cap

Blog and Social Media Goals:

1. Post at least twice a week. Done! I was very successful at scheduling posts which really helped.

2. Get back into regular vlogging. Sort of? I did a few more vlogs than normal, but not too many. With the DCP series moving forward, you'll be seeing more of my face soon!

3. Reach 1000 followers on Twitter. Done! I surpassed that goal by a landslide.

4. Be more active on Instagram. Sort of. I posted more, but I still am not interacting with my feed much.

5. Finish setting up my blogging binder. Done! It's been super helpful already.

Personal Goals:

1. Get back into planning. Big fail. Going to try again this month!

2. Spend less time wasting time with Facebook/iPhone games. Success! I cut down on the number of Facebook AND iPhone games I play! It's still a decent amount, but much less time-consuming.

3. Start reading again. Success? I did finish a book and review it, and I'm working through a few more.

January Goals

Blogging and Social Media Goals:

1. Grow my e-mail list. I have been sending out bi-weekly digests as well as minor updates that I don't post on the blog. I am hoping to grow my list to at least 30 subscribers by the end of the month if I can, but even a little growth would be progress! Want to help me out?

2. Post 3x weekly. So far, I have done this. I do have a full editorial calendar filled out for this month, so as long as I stick to it, I'm golden!

3. Clean up my Pinterest. Both my boards and pins need some serious deep-cleaning. Time to purge!

4. Clean up Instagram follows. After reading Summer's post about why the follow for follow method doesn't help your Instagram growth, I realized this was why I had been having such a hard time interacting on Instagram. My feed became so overwhelming, I didn't want to check it! Time to cull some follows.

Personal Goals:

1. Continue reading in my spare time. Now that I've been reading again, I realize how much I've missed it!

2. Finish purging and packing for Florida. This will get done either way, since we fly out the 31st of this month. However, I feel writing it down will help motivate me to do it!

3. Read our couple's devotional daily. We really enjoy spending this personal time together, so I'm looking forward to continuing this!

What do you think of my goals? Did you make any goals this month?