Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How I Keep My Hands Beautiful in Winter

I received the Cetaphil Moisturizer and the Pure Ice nail polish free from Influenster. I was not compensated to write a review, and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

How I Keep My Hands Beautiful in Winter | Keys to My Life

Living in the Pacific Northwest, it's not secret that it gets cold and dry up here in winter. I mean cold, and dry. My hands are constantly red and cracked! I may not be a beauty blogger, but like any girl, I like to look beautiful! So when my hands are an ugly red and look like I was attacked by my cat, it's time to do something about it.

That's where Cetaphil moisturizing cream and Pure Ice nail polish come in. These two products are huge problem solvers for a girl like me! I had not even heard of Cetaphil before receiving the moisturizing cream, and I've tried a lot of moisturizing creams. I was surprised that it came in such a small container, but I figured I would give it a shot. I was amazed at how little it took to keep my hands soft and smooth all day! It's so good, I've even started using it on my dry elbows as well!

And let's not forget the gorgeous purple Pure Ice nail polish. I'm not usually one to put bright colors on my nails, but this purple is just muted enough to work with my style. It dries quickly and easily, and only took a couple of coats to cover my nails! It's a great color for wearing on a date night out, or simply to spice things up at work.

Together, the moisturizing cream and nail polish made my tired hands look like new. For someone in Washington in January, that's no small feat! These two products have quickly become my winter beauty staples, and I don't see myself replacing them anytime soon. I highly recommend you check them both out! The Cetaphil comes in different varieties, like if you have sensitive skin, and Pure Ice has tons of different colors to choose from! Both can be picked up at any local drugstore, or somewhere like Wal-Mart or Target.

How I Keep My Hands Beautiful in Winter | Keys to My Life

Have you tried Cetaphil or Pure Ice polish before? What did you think? Is this the kind of nail polish color you would choose for your nails?

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