Thursday, June 18, 2009

Boring thoughts?

Since I have started to update my blog more, I was hoping more of my friends would read and comment it. Unfortunately it's been just the opposite. Lauren is the only one who has been commenting. (Not that I don't appreciate your comments dear, I do!) I just wish more of my friends would care enough to read my thoughts. I know Rachel is in D.C., but Leanne never reads unless i ask her to, and Nicki doesn't at all. (Or if she does she doesn't comment.) I just wish my thoughts were important/cool/crazy enough to be read more often. So now I have a request: all who read this blog and have friends who read blogs, (like Lauren and Jin-Hoon) would you please tell them about my blog? Even if I'm not good friends with them, I would just like a few more readers. Thanks loves! : )

Last night at the mission's trip meeting, we played a game where when we complimented someone, they gave us a pinto bean. Now normally, people would say I was over protective, clingy, and maybe even obsessive to Leanne, but last night Victoria made the sweetest comment! She said she loved the way I was so protective of her! I know she was being sincere, which is why it was so sweet! I love Victoria's sweet comments like that. : )


  1. Well I am glad that my comments are nice, and I really love letting people know that I read their blog. :D I'm terribly sorry about the lack of comments besides my own, but because you are a follower of me, your blog has a link on my page. :) I will tell Jin-Hoon to read yours. Your thoughts are not boring in the least! and I just might get a PT Crusier so that I can be your best friend. :) I love you very much Ariel, ~Lauren

  2. I love your blog layout. It is really cute! Hope you get more comments soon. I understand because comments on my blog make my day!

  3. Hi. I have looked at your blog once with Lindsay, but I didn't know how to find it again. Thank you for sending me info about it. I really find it interesting that you do this. Blogging is a great thing. Keep it up and I'll be sure to check it out every now and then.

  4. Ariel - I'm reading your blog! :) I even left a couple of comments.
    luv ya, Rachel


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I read every comment on my blog and respond personally to each one. Feel free to share your blog link as well so I can comment and follow back! Have a great week!