Sunday, August 29, 2010

So much to update you on!

So George Fox is Ah. Ma. Zing. Seriously. I love it here! The campus is gorgeous, the people are great, and the Christian atmosphere is just what I need.

We had our first worship service tonight, and I basically cried almost the whole time. It was focused on how we are God's Beloved and that we can Be Known (the orientation theme) through and cast off our pasts and how we used to be known. Then singing about His love for us and His acceptance and grace, I just cried. It was so nice to know that I don't have to be ashamed of my non-Christian background, and all my past struggles. I can come here knowing that I will be accepted as a sister in Christ and supported in all that I do. It is the greatest feeling.

I'm sure some of you are probably thinking: "We've always supported you! We love you too!" I'm not saying you don't, but when you're surrounded by hundreds of other students just waiting to love you for who you are, you realize how special God's love is that it can transform a person in amazing ways.

For the first time in days, I will read my Bible before bed and look forward to it. How awesome is that?

I miss you all and love you! See you in a month!

Sending my love,

<3 Ariel


  1. Ariel ~
    I'm so happy that things are going well for you at George Fox. I'm so glad that the Christian environment is awesome and that you feel love and accepted. :) God is blessing you in amazing ways and I hope He continues to do so. :) I love you and I miss you. See you soon.
    Love in Christ, your friend,

  2. That’s wonderful to hear Ariel!!! I’m so glad you’ve been able to have such a great experience :)



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