Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Packing procrastination

I really should not be blogging right now, let alone on my computer at all. I'm supposed to be finishing my packing. However in my defense, I'm almost done! Just a few things to pull off of my desk, the top of my dresser to go through, the piles in front of my closet and clothes. Then I just box up what isn't already in boxes!

I'm. SO. Close.

Seriously, I leave in a little over 38 hours. I'm so excited! Nervous too, but excited. I just found out today my mom won't be staying for Fred Meyer Night :O (For those who don't know, that's Thursday night from 11PM-1AM, a big shopping discount time with giveaways and stuff) She's just gonna give me money and go! Yikes, but nice too. Tomorrow I'm gonna get some stuff too, but not too much. Although I do have two whole paychecks sitting in my bank account ;) But I also have school to pay off.... *sigh*

I got my hair cut... Wanna see? :) Of course you do!
Sorry about the glare.... But basically if you can't tell I layered my bangs around my glasses so they don't fall in my eyes, and I cut a few inches off and layered it all. I kind of wish I cut off a few more inches, but oh well. I like it. :)

I am sooooooooo excited for tomorrow!!! Seriously, POWELL'S BOOKS, and definitely more we haven't even decided! I have gift cards for Aeropostale, Sears, Macy's, and Target so hopefully we can stop those places too. I need jeans BAD. It's not even funny how bad I need jeans!

I love how random my iTunes is :) It just went from Baha Men, to the Labyrinth soundtrack to the Lion King soundtrack one after the other :)

Anyway... I guess I should back to my packing. If anyone wants to help me.... Feel free to come over! And tomorrow night I'll be finishing up too :)


  1. Sounds like you have an exciting couple of days ahead of you! :) Have fun!

    Nice haircut, too! :D



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