Friday, August 7, 2015

August Goals

Hi everyone! As part of my goal to consistently blog, I decided to start off this month with a list of my August goals.

Blog and Social Media Goals:

1. Reach 1000 followers on Twitter. I'm sitting at 732 followers as I post this, and I had less than 600 last week. I think this is very doable!

2. Post at least two times a week. Now this does not include planner spreads, and that's mainly because I don't think I will continue to post my planner spreads on the blog. I will probably keep posting them on Instagram, so if you're interested in those follow me! I already have a few post ideas for the next few weeks, so this one may actually happen.

3. Remain active on Twitter and my blogging communities. I am a part of three blogging communities, and those alone have been a huge part of my social media following growing recently! As I start to blog more, I also want to utilize them to get more traffic coming to the blog and to Twitter.

Personal Goals:

1. No McDonalds and limit other fast food. Nick and I are trying to pinpoint what has been upsetting my stomach and digestive system, and we think it may be my love of McDonalds fries, if not all fast foods. This goal will be hard, but I'm going to try and stick with it!

2. Continue working out with out church class three days a week, and walk with Nick once a week. We're both trying to get in better shape for the wedding, so this one needs to happen. I just need to drag myself out of bed at 5:30 on those morning!

Wedding Goals:

1. Get all invites mailed by the end of the month. We have almost of the addresses and the design is basically finalized, we just need to print them and get them out the door!

2. Catch up on The Knot to-do list. I'm behind on a few tasks and that is stressing me out! They're not hard tasks, so I just need to buckle down and do them.

3. Book the honeymoon hotel. This one has been a struggle for both Nick and myself for a couple of weeks due to finances and his friend who is getting us the discount. Hoping to have this done ASAP!

What do you think of my goals this month? Are any of them impossible? Do you have any similar goals? Let me know!


  1. I love goal posts. They are always so motivating and remind me to stay focused. I like how you divided them out into categories. Another good reminder that the blog isn't everything. Sometimes I need that little helper. Hahah!

    1. I know I know, but I love blogging! Especially because I've been neglecting it for so long, I really want to get back into it :P I've made so many great friends from it and I want it to continue!

  2. good luck with your goals :) I've found that the best way to stay motivated is to commit to writing a "catch up" post at the end of the month, that way you can see exactly what you accomplished and share it with your readers!

    1. That's a good idea! I'll definitely do that :)

  3. "2. Catch up on The Knot to-do list. I'm behind on a few tasks and that is stressing me out! They're not hard tasks, so I just need to buckle down and do them."

    GIRL. THIS IS ME TIMES A BILLION. I actually just did a post on engagement photos instead of getting actual tasks done! Oops! I feel you so much on this one, though. You can do it!

    1. Hey, engagement photos are the best! No shame there :P

  4. Wonderful goals, I am trying to start blogging every day! This is going to be an adventure!

  5. Goals for the month would be to really work on finishing up our Summer Bucket List. We have most of it done, but the things that are left on it require some work. We're giving it our best shot though!

  6. Great goals!! I'm trying to increase my instagram followers and my subscribers. I know you can easily reach 1K followers on twitter. :) I've been trying to cook more meals at home and not eat out as much.

    1. Good luck with your goals! I'm seeing some growth on Twitter already, so hopefully it will continue!


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