Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yay next weekend!

This week has been CRA. ZY.

So many emotions, so many things to figure out.

BUT next weekend! Wednesday Leanne is picking me up and we're heading home for Thanksgiving, Thursday we're having Thanksgiving dinner #1 at Lisa's, and that night I get to see HARRYPOTTER7PART1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a little excited :D

Friday I'm hoping to go Black Friday shopping with Jenna, my family has Thanksgiving dinner #2 and then Lindsay is *hopefully* going to spend the night! And Sunday I have church :) These few days cannot pass fast enough!

1 comment:

  1. Two questions:

    1. Wasn't HP7Pt1 awesome?! A lot of people who haven't read the books weren't too crazy about it, but having read the books, I love how well they stuck to it!

    2. Did you survive Black Friday? I'm always so scared to go out. Crazy people....


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