Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

This is a new meme hosted byBook Soulmates! To read all the details go here. Basically you sign up some months with your wishlist, and someone gets you something from it. Other months you get something for someone else. This month I signed up as a receiver, and next month I'll hopefully be a giver :) I'll let you know what I get!


  1. hey Ariel, wow that sounds weird, I've actually never meet anyone with the same name as me! got your comment thats crazy that you are also located in Newberg OR. odd! this random acts of kindness thing sound fun, ill have to check in to it!

  2. Hi Ariel!!

    Thanks so much for signing up :) I think this feature will be just a really fun way to pass on a little book blog amongst fellow bookworms & bloggers!

    Hope you get some goodies :)
    Book Soulmates


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I read every comment on my blog and respond personally to each one. Feel free to share your blog link as well so I can comment and follow back! Have a great week!