Thursday, March 17, 2016

March Goals

Yes, I know it's halfway through March. But hey, never too late for monthly goals right? Because it is so late in the month, I am going to trim it down a little. Have to keep it realistic!

March Goals | Keys to My Life

February Re-Cap

Blog and Social Media Goals:

1. Create my e-mail opt-in. Fail. I now know what I want to do, but it will take some time.

2. Finish cleaning out Instagram follows. Again, fail.

3. Continue cleaning up Pinterest. This partially happened. I'm using Boardbooster now so that will help a little.

4. Work on scheduling blog weeks ahead of time to avoid cramming the night before. So obviously this didn't happen. Depression got the best of me and I couldn't get myself to blog. I'm putting myself on a regular schedule for this month so that should help!

Personal Goals:

1. Continue reading books, especially blog tour books. This actually happened! I finished a couple of books this last month, although I haven't done any reviews. But more books are coming!

2. Participate in as many housing and program events that my schedule allows. I did a lot of fun events this month! We had the welcome party event, where we had pizza and a dance party and all seven dwarves visited. We also got to do grocery bingo where we got two big bags of food!

3. Create a bucket list for my time here. This hasn't been started yet, but I'm working on it!

March Goals

Blog and Social Media Goals:

1. Set up my daily social media and blogging schedule, and stick to it. Now that I'm back into regular blogging, I also want to extend that to using all my social media regularly and interacting with my followers and other bloggers!

2. Actually finish cleaning up Instagram. I've been putting this off for how many months now?! I need to buckle down and do it.

3. Work on my opt-in/secret project. Yes! So my opt-in is connected to a project that I am keeping secret for now. (If you want a sneak peek, subscribe to my newsletter!) I hope to have it down by the end of next month!

Personal Goals:

1. Get caught up on my devotional and Bible reading. I'm not too far behind, so it shouldn't take much to catch up!

2. Find more park buddies for my days off. Because I spend my days off at home doing nothing but Netflix and Facebook, it really affects my moods. I just need to invite people!

What do you think of this months goals? Are they realistic considering March is half over?