The opportunity to experience both coasts //
In my first program, I participated in Disneyland for a couple of reasons. For one, I had been there before so I was familiar with the parks, and felt more comfortable there. Also, it was closer to home so it was less of move and change for me. When Nick and I made the decision to apply for a second program, we knew we wanted to apply to Walt Disney World instead. Neither of us have been here before this program, and the likelihood that we would be visiting soon for any other reason was not realistic. Both programs are hosted very differently, and we wanted to be able to experience both of them.
Disney is a company I always want to work for //
One of the biggest reasons we decided to return was the fact that we both missed the atmosphere of the parks and the people we saw everyday, as well as being completely immersed in the Disney world. Both of us are big Disney fans, and after our first program Disney became a permanent part of our life. A second program gives us a chance to move towards a career within the Disney company.
Having married housing //
One thing that the Disneyland program does not offer, but Disney World does, is the option for married housing. If we chose to return to Disneyland, we would either have to live off-site, or not be roommates. While that was an option, it didn't make sense for us to get married and then move into separate apartments only a few months later. Being able to have our own one bedroom apartment has been a great experience for us, and eliminated the roommate issues we dealt with during our last programs.
A chance to make new friends //
Because I struggled so much with losing friend from my last program, I was determined to make friends this program. After applying we quickly connected with a group of applicants that we met through a GroupMe, and we all became fast friends. Ride Or Die, as we cal ourselves, has been the best support group for me that I could have imagined while here. They are all vastly different, but each of them has something different to offer and we all fit together so wonderfully, We even created a family tree because we all feel so connected. I don't want to think about the pain we will go through when we have to say goodbye!
A program that will change your life forever //
I cannot stress this enough. The Disney College Program really is a life changing experience. While yes, it is a great internship to have on your resume, the friendships you can gain and experiences you go through during the program make it a program that cannot be forgotten. Even if we decide to not continue with the company after this program, the time we spent in both programs is valuable enough that we won't stop talking about it.
If you are someone who has considered the program before, but isn't sure if it is for you, I encourage you to apply. This is an experience that you don't want to pass up, even if it means moving all the way across the country like we did. The Disney College Program changed me life, and I want it to change yours too.
Have you ever considered the Disney College Program? Do you know anyone who has participated?