Monday, March 28, 2016

Book Review: The Stone Bearers

Hi friends! It's a been a rough weekend for me, so getting these posts out this week has taken a lot of effort. I promised myself I would keep up with my two days a week schedule, as well as get this review completed on time. The review is actually less of an issue, as this book was amazing and I didn't want to put it down! The bigger issue came when I sat down to draft my posts on Sunday amidst a raging migraine. Blogger problems, am I right?! Anyway, here I am with another week of posts for you! Today I'm finishing the last book review for this blog, before moving them back to The Librarian's Bookshelf, as I mentioned last week.

I don't typically get pulled into self-published books often, but when I do it's because the author knows how to write compelling twists and turns and keeps you on the edge of your seat. From the first chapter I was drawn in, and as the book reaches the climax you are left breathless with anticipation as each new layer of mystery is added to the previous one. By the time you finish the book, you are blown away by the masterful writing she uses to tie everything together.

The author also uses such deep descriptions of the characters, and creates genuine interactions between them so that you grow to care for them, despite their quirks or the dark sides they may have. If you are a fan of fantasy, or of any book that will keep you guessing, this is a book for you to read!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Have you heard of The Stone Bearers? Is fantasy a genre you typically read?