Thursday, March 24, 2016

My Top 5 Favorite Bloggers

Hi guys! Before I became a lifestyle blogger, I used my blog mainly as a journal. Along with that, I didn't read practically ANY other bloggers, because I didn't care, and I wasn't learning anything from them! Now that I do blog regularly, I read quite a few bloggers that I learn so much from with every post they right. Today, in no particular order, I'm sharing my five favorite bloggers I read!

Becky @ Disney in Your Day //

Becky has guest posted before, so she is not new to my blog! I met Becky a few month ago now, through a blog buddy sign up we participated in. Being the only two Disney bloggers, we were matched, and it was perfect! We hit it off right away and have been supporting each other since. She is currently my biggest blog supporter (other than Nick, of course!) and we even got to meet up a few weeks back when she came to Orlando for the Disney Parks Princess Half Marathon Weekend! It was a highlight of my week and we're hoping to meet up again when she visits for the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival soon!

As I mentioned above, she is primarily a Disney blogger, but she also blogs about travel and her travel business, and her training goals for the marathons she runs! She also shares different Disney content than myself, so if you crave that Disney fix, she's another great option! Becky is just super sweet and down to earth, and her support has made it one of the reasons why she is one of my favorite bloggers.

Summer @ Coffee With Summer //

Summer was not the first lifestyle blogger I followed when I starting seriously blogging, but she has quickly become one of my favorites! She is authentic, and is consistently sharing posts that are raw but very relevant to many people. One of the main reasons I read her so much now, is she has begun branching out and sharing her tips and successes in blog growth, which I'm finding invaluable as I continue blogging less as a hobby and more as a regular thing. Summer is also largely encouraging - sending her a message asking for advice or even a simple prayer and she is happy to step in.

Chelsie @ Hey There, Chelsie //

I first discovered Chelsie through Summer, and quickly fell in love with her blog as well. Chelsie has a different focus and tone than Summer, but creates just as valuable content. She recently rebranded, so before she shared more often about Rosie, her puppy that her and her husband Dustin adopted to help with her knee replacement. While I love her Rosie stories, I love that lately she has been sharing her journey into full-time blogging, as that is a goal I'm striving for as well, and I love hearing other bloggers' struggle and successes! Chelsie also shares both beauty and fashion, and since I fail at being fashionable, I live my beauty desires through her blog.

Helene @ Helene in Between //

My last two bloggers are more well known, but no less valuable! Helene is a blogger I look to as a multi-topiced lifestyle blogger. What does that mean? For me, I'm primarily a lifestyle blogger, but I blog under four specific topics: Disney, marriage, faith and mental illness. For Helene, she shares blogging tips, travel adventures, and fashion posts. Many bloggers will tell you to focus on one topic alone, and that multiple topics hurt your audience. Helene is an example that you don't have to limit yourself to one topic, and I love that! All of her topics have a steady following and don't hurt her views in any way! Along with that, she has been a successful professional blogger for awhile and often shares her income reports, which is eye opening for smaller bloggers like myself,

Melyssa @ The Nectar Collective //

Melyssa is another well-known blogger! Like Helene, she shares monthly income reports and has shared her success, primarily coming from her e-mail list and ecourses. She also shares blogging advice, but since that is her main topic she shares more content that is relevant to bloggers and helpful on growing views and social media. She is also down-to-earth, and if you take the time to follow her various social media (especially Snapchat!) you'll see she's a normal blogger with just a larger following than others,

If you are a blogger, no matter your content or niche, it's important to be reading other bloggers and supporting each other. Find a good mix of smaller and larger bloggers and start reading and commenting! You'd be surprised to support you can get just from other bloggers.

Do you read any of my favorite bloggers? Who are some of your favorites, and why?