Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blog award!

So I never got around to posting this before, but Amber kindly gave me my first blog award!

I thought it was sweet of what she said, saying that she appreciated the comments I always leave on her blog :) And isn't it just the cutest picture?? Who doesn't love chipmunks! I thought about passing it along, but I don't really have many blogging friends (besides Amber) that actually read my blog. The only one I can think of is Nicki! So Nicki, please accept this award! :)

If you can think of someone else I'm friends with that has a blog (and reads mine) please let me know. :) Thanks again Amber!


  1. AW thanks Ariel!! i feel so special! :D and you deff get it for my blog! cuz you are the only one who keeps up with all 3, prolly better than i do! even tho i am only currently writing in 1 lol :D you're the best! love ya girl!

  2. I'm so glad you like the award, Ariel! And how fun that you can pass it on! :D Thanks for being my blogging friend!



Thank you for taking the time to comment! I read every comment on my blog and respond personally to each one. Feel free to share your blog link as well so I can comment and follow back! Have a great week!