Monday, May 11, 2009


So I have a lot to say this time.

1) Cameron and I were talking on Facebook, pretty much the only place we ever talk, and we randomly started talking about love and relationships. It was really nice because he said a lot of stuff that made me realize, even if the guy who holds all your attention won't give you a second glance, there are many others who would love the chance just to comfort you. You just have to look for them. : )

2) I realized today I'm in big trouble. I like someone that I shouldn't, because he's dating, but he's so nice to me! I know I need to get this thought out, but it's hard. Grr! Sometimes life isn't fair.

3) LEANNE MADE COURT!!!!! YAY!!!!!! :D

That is pretty much it. Sad life, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Ariel~ No, it's not a sad life. Sounds like you got some things figured out. Good. :) Who is this guy, huh? tell me later, okay.
    Luv ya, Rachel


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